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Our Wellness Blogs!

Great Articles to Help You Live A Healthier Life!

At Michigan Health and Wellness, our mission is to educate our patients and website visitors with articles that can really help them live better, longer and healthier lives. Please let us know if there if you have any specific questions, by contacting us at any time.

Sugar, Inflammation, and the Pain Connection

Sugar. There are few people who don’t enjoy it in the many forms it comes in. Unfortunately, we aren’t just talking about people who have a sweet tooth, a big, sweet tooth. While there are individuals who really like sweets in the form of candy, chocolates, baked goods and soda,

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Ozone Therapy & Immunity

OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER BEFORE While there are people who sincerely take care to build and guard their immunity, immunity was not always a commonly used word. Eating well including organic, whole, locally sourced food was often left to “those people who do that” because mainstream

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Estrogen and Cardiovascular Risks in Women

Women, Estrogen, and Cardiovascular Risks

In 2020, nearly half (48%) of Americans are struggling with a vascular complication or heart disease. This includes hypertension, type 2 diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Women undergoing menopause have a sharp increase in these factors. Not only that, but traditional risk factors are less predictive of cardiovascular risk for women than

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Arthritis Treatment Options in Traverse City

Arthritis…It’s Not Just For Seniors Anymore

Arthritis pain. We’re bombarded by television advertisements for pills, creams, copper devices and more created to alleviate or reduce the pain of Arthritis. But, do we know what Arthritis really is, are there multiple types, who gets it, why, and what can we do about it? What is Arthritis and

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ADD, ADHD and Autism


The simple truth and growing concerns about these developmental and social disorders. ADD, ADHD and Autism are social and developmental disorders once thought to be mostly diagnosed and suffered by individuals from an early age; that is, children. More recent studies are finding that more adults may be suffering from

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GAINSWave Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction: Stop Playing The Pill Game

Erectile dysfunction or ED, a medical condition that only in the past few years has gotten more media attention, is a common and unfortunate malady suffered by sexually active men. While erectile dysfunction has been around and its effects recorded since as early as 1668, treatments and medications were slower

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Thyroid and Autoimmune Disease Treatment

Thyroid And Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune diseases affect nearly 24 million Americans and thyroid diseases affect about 20 million. This is 4.6 percent of the population or approximately 5 in every 100 people ages 12 and over. (NIDDK, n.d.) For many people this is of concern when symptoms go unchecked and undiagnosed suffering needlessly when

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Planter Fasciitis Treatment Traverse City

Planter Fasciitis: What Today’s Active Adults are Wearing!

“Is that what you meant to say?” Plantar Fasciitis is what active adults are “wearing?” Yes, it’s true. More and more people are suffering from Plantar Fasciitis and it’s keeping them out of the game; off walks or even everyday walking, working, enjoying social activities, sports or necessary errands and

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