Michigan Health & Wellness Center
3337 W. South Airport Rd. Suite 2
Traverse City, Michigan 49684

Detailed visual health status of the organs, systems, and tissue of the body. A non-invasive method for measuring the health state of the entire body. Learn more below.
Detailed visual health status of the organs, systems, and tissue of the body. A non-invasive method for measuring the health state of the entire body. Learn more below.
Every cell and organ in the body has its own distinctive Vibrational Frequency or Oscillation. When these oscillations are disrupted, whether by injury, diet, stress or emotion, it results in a disruption of that biological function. Which when not addressed, can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, disease and even death.
Over the past 20 years, more than 120,000 of these Vibrational Frequencies have been isolated, identified and cataloged. Knowing what the optimum oscillation or frequencies of these cells and organs are, can assist in determining the root cause of an individual’s health status when these frequencies are compared to the individual scanned results.
Some of the benefits you can expect with the AO Body Scan
The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is combination of technology from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia and the USA. Most if not all this technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein and others that theorize everything physical at its most fundamental level is actually energy frequency.
Three modalities are used in an AO Body Scan.
This process receives from the brain the resonating frequency of the part of the body that was selected and is then compared to a known homeostatic frequency that the selected organ, tissue, etc. should be vibrating at if healthy.
Then it compares the two frequencies, calculates how close they are to each other, and assigns a number from 1 to 9, with 5 being in perfect harmony and higher or lower than 5 indicating either stress or under activity.
The most important part of health is knowing what is wrong first.
The AO Body Scan is one of the most advanced ways of detecting issues down to the cellular and DNA level. If any issues are identified, our doctor and team can work side by side with you to bring your body back into harmony.
Call us or click the link below to schedule your free consultation and learn how this amazing diagnostic tool and therapy can work for you!
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3337 W. South Airport Rd. Suite 2
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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