Michigan Health & Wellness Center
3337 W. South Airport Rd. Suite 2
Traverse City, Michigan 49684

Let us help you discover a pain free life with PEMF Therapy!
Let us help you discover a pain free life with PEMF Therapy!
PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields. They are used to improve circulation and metabolism of the cells. A pulsed electromagnetic field is very dynamic and can penetrate through the body and have a positive effect of the cells.
An electromagnetic field affects us because our bodies are electric! With every heart beat we are creating electromagnetic pulses that stimulate cellular activity. This causes a reaction with all of our 70 trillion cells affecting the basic function of the molecules and tissues, not only in humans but animals and plants as well.
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Improved Circulation – PEMF’s increase some of the chemicals in the wall of the blood vessels causing them to dilate thereby improving the circulation of the blood flowing through the vessels and increasing the amount of oxygen going to the tissues.
Improved Muscle Function – Our muscles can work harder and longer with properly charged cells. They can contract and relax and recover better from tension and spasms which helps to reduce or eliminate pain.
Decreased Inflammation – PEMF’s can help reduce chronic and damaging inflammation while positively affecting the flow of useful enzymes through the cell membranes.
Reduced Stress – Stress is a normal human response but too much can be harmful and accelerate aging. PEMF’s help to reduce the negative effect that stress has on our body.
Healing of Bones – Because they can pass through the body including the bones, PEMF’s can help repair bones damaged by injury, disease or surgery and can help regenerate bone lost from osteoporosis and osteopenia.
Blood Oxygenation – Oxygen is extracted from the air we breathe and delivered to the body and the organs through the blood in our arteries. It is used for all our cell functions. The veins then carry the deoxygenated blood back to the heart to be recycled. PEMF’s help to improve oxygen levels in the body.
3337 W. South Airport Rd. Suite 2
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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