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Healthy Lifestyle

The Great Weight Debate & the 3 Uglies of Weight Loss

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Michigan Health and Wellness

Most American adults can say they’ve probably been on a diet at least once in their lives. Of that group even more of us can say they are ALWAYS on a diet! The word diet has become an ugly term for a struggle to either reduce our size or eat healthier. It is estimated that 42.4% of Americans are considered obese. (CDC, 2021) With the aging of baby boomers and as many get increasingly older, eating better for weight loss or improved health has gotten its share of media. Add in the Covid-19 pandemic and eating well for good health has been pushed to the top of our “things to do better” list.

If Covid has taught us anything, it has been that good nutrition certainly contributes to a healthy immune system and improved health. The media has flooded us with diet plans from our “stay-at-home Covid weight gain” and Gee! “We should have been eating better and taking better care of our health” in the first place. The whole foods, supplements and immune building market is going crazy. Honestly, they’re probably right although their products may or may not be the best for everyone. So, if we want to lose weight post-Covid or if we even needed to lose weight before Covid and finally start paying better attention to our health, where do we start and what are the pitfalls? I’m sure you’ve got your own list but here are the top three that folks seem to complain about and some suggestions on how to overcome them.

I Cannot Seem to Lose Weight; No Matter How Hard I Try or What Type of Weight Loss Program I Go On.

Spoiler Alert! It may not be your fault! While it is true, not all diets work for everyone, everybody knows people who have successfully lost weight on their own. This generally occurs through conventional diets or programs, gym memberships, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem or physician supervised programs. There are even some out there that are un-conventional. Think the cabbage soup or grapefruit diet! You may notice the fine print and disclaimers that accompany most weight loss programs, “Consult your physician before starting this program.” While that is sound advice, most physicians will recommend weight loss is a good idea for patients who fall in the overweight or obese categories, but those same physicians don’t usually recommend a custom-made plan for you unless you have specific medical conditions in which conventional programs are not recommended.

So, who do I look to for advice when looking to lose weight or eat better? If I’m not losing weight, why or how do I find out why? There are several options that will help you have greater success in losing weight. One is having a partner. If you have a partner or another person to be accountable to, weight loss and healthy eating is certainly easier. If your best friend has to eat grilled chicken and salad at your next evening out, they certainly aren’t going to let you eat a cheeseburger! Find an individual, spouse, partner, or support group to help keep you accountable, on track and more than anything else, give you that emotional support you need!

Find a healthy, reliable, and supportive weight loss program such as ChiroThin®. Do your research. Read testimonials. Pay attention to the health benefits and nutritional support of the program. Good health and successful weight loss is a journey; a commitment to a lifetime of healthy eating and keeping the weight off. Find out if the program is physician researched and supported. Rapid weight loss plans are fine if they are done short-term with nutritious foods and a continuation plan to keep you on track to additional weight loss or maintenance. But what if you do all these things and none of these suggestions or plans work? This is the time to discover if you are suffering from a medical condition or conditions that are keeping you from losing weight.

There are many reasons people cannot lose weight or begin to gain weight. Without a medical consultation to determine the root causes for not being able to lose weight or weight gain, the journey to healthy eating may be a frustrating one. Thyroid issues or Hypothyroidism, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, Steroid Use and Cushing’s Syndrome are just some of the medical conditions that affect weight loss. (NHS, 2020) A consultation with a physician such as a Functional Medicine practitioner can get to the bottom of these issues and a plan of treatment can be devised. Once the medical issue has been discovered and brought under control, weight loss can be addressed and a program that works best with that condition can be developed.

While medical conditions can be part of the equation, sometimes there are things we aren’t doing correctly on our weight loss plans. Things we aren’t even aware of. Many weight loss pitfalls are easily solved with just a little more planning and a lot more awareness. Here are a few…

  • Not keeping track of what you are eating and how much you are eating. Keep a food journal and measure. While this is not easy, it’s important to keep from overeating.
  • Not eating enough protein. Even vegetarians can get enough protein in their diet to keep one sated and full. Protein also helps us retain muscle mass and provide energy.
  • Not eating quality foods. Organic and fresh is best if possible.
  • Eating too late in the day. While going to bed on a full stomach is comforting to some, it is not beneficial for weight loss nor does it give your body any digestive “down time”.
  • Eating too much sugar. This includes too much fruit, snacks, or sugary beverages.
  • Eating too often. Eating at meals is best with limited snacking.
  • Not drinking enough water. Eight, eight ounce glasses or more is best. Other beverages do not count toward your water intake.
  • Not getting enough sleep. Being tired only makes one want to eat or snack.
  • Drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol consumption slows the weight loss process.
  • Not eating mindfully. Sit and enjoy your food…even snacks and chew slow-ly.
  • Not eating enough. Not eating enough puts your body into starvation mode keeping weight from coming off.
  • Unrealistic expectations. You didn’t put it on overnight. It takes time and consistency to lose weight in a healthy fashion. (Gunnars, 2018)

I Can Lose Weight, but I Can’t Seem to Lose the Last 10-20 Pounds and Exercise Doesn’t Help!

Plateaus can happen. Hang in there. Review your plan and steps. Are you eating more? Are you on your cycle? Have you been ill or been on medications or changed them? Or, if you are using the help of a physician, such as a Functional Medicine practitioner, be sure to discuss a plateau or any changes in your health. Adjustments may need to be made to your plan.

Have you taken your measurements? When following a plan such as ChiroThin®, measurements are taken at regular intervals. You may be losing inches but not weight! Also remember muscle weighs more than fat so if you have been exercising, you may be losing fat but gaining muscle and good muscle mass helps your metabolism to help you burn fat and keep the weight off.

Still not satisfied with the number on the scale, your dress size, or the tone of your skin? In today’s modern fitness world there are non-invasive therapies to increase weight loss, reduce cellulite, tone, and tighten. Zerona Weight Loss and CRYO 4 S fat freezing are two such therapies to get those final pounds and inches off.

Zerona Weight Loss – Zerona is a non-invasive fat loss laser. It is an FDA cleared medical procedure to reduce the size of hips, thighs, waist, and upper arms. It contours an anatomical area disrupting the fat cells outer membranes resulting in the release of stored intracellular lipids. Once released they are safely removed and processed by the body.

CRYO 4 S Fat Freezing – Cold plates, muscle stimulation and LED treat stubborn fat areas of the body. When cooled the fat cells underneath stop working. These fat cells are crystallized and then die. Over a period of up to 3 months your body naturally eliminates these dead cells. It is like 1000 sit ups! These therapies are good follow up and maintenance therapies post Chirothin* or for people who have fat, inches, cellulite or toning issues that cannot be achieved through diets or exercise.


ChiroThin® is a physician supervised, rapid weight loss program that is even safe for diabetics. A healthy eating plan that uses real, healthy foods with no shakes or prepackaged meals, ChiroThin® begins with a six-week rapid weight loss program, then continues with maintenance and cycling phases. Participants can expect to see 20-35 pounds of weight loss in the first six weeks.

Keeping Weight Off-Weight Loss for Life and Maintaining Good Health

Easier said than done! Wedding cake, night out on the town, pizza party, office donuts. Temptation is everywhere and life happens! How do you keep the weight off and not run off the rails? WEIGHT LOSS AND HEALTHY EATING IS A LIFETIME COMMITMENT. Entering a weight loss and healthy eating program is a lifestyle change. Be prepared by making changes that stick and that will benefit you for the long haul. Involve your family in your healthy lifestyle changes. Everyone will benefit. Meal prep and having healthy snacks or foods available helps in the prevention of bingeing.

But what if I have a bad day or week? It is just that. A day or week. After that wedding buffet and cake extravaganza, chalk it up to having a good time and get back at it. Life happens and it’s meant to be enjoyed…just in moderation. Have a plan and be prepared. Most weight loss programs like ChiroThin® have maintenance programs. Take advantage of them and refer to them as needed. If you experience a gain, go back to your plan. Most of all remember weight loss is more than just looking good and fitting into your clothes well. It is feeling good in your body and helping to stave off disease keeping you healthy and hopefully happy.

To learn more call Michigan Health and Wellness for a FREE consultation. Functional Medicine, Functional Neurology, and their relation to the treatment of Weight Loss and the effects of medical conditions related to weight are managed by our clinical director, Dr. Tony Aboudib, DC. Dr. Aboudib attended post-graduate studies at Carrick Institute for graduate studies in clinical neuroscience, American Functional Neurology Institute, Functional Medicine University, Institute of Functional Medicine and Kharrazian Institute for graduate studies. For more information call 231-421-5213 or click here to go to our Contact Us page to schedule a free consultation.

Disclaimer: The information provided in our blog posts is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. While we strive to share knowledge and insights on health-related topics, this content should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical concerns or decisions related to your health and well-being.


n.d. (February, 2021). Adult Obesity Facts. Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html

n.d. (2020). Nine medical reasons for putting on weight. NHS. Retrieved from https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/.

Gunnars, Kris BSc. (August, 2018). Common Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight. Healthline. Retrieved from www.healthline.com.